Successful writer moms have this one thing in common

Successful writer moms have this one thing in common

11 months after putting my first book up on Amazon, I released a new book this week and got that awesome little orange tag. #1 new release in my category! It felt amazing to see that. How did I do it? Well, to answer that question, let me tell you how I found out...
How to plan your perfect writer mom day

How to plan your perfect writer mom day

You can’t do it all.   Some mothers hear this and feel reassured, others defeated. As an indie author mom, I’d say it falls on the defeated side most days. When you self-publish, if feels like you have to do it all: write, market, organize, tweet,...
Writing and burnout

Writing and burnout

**This article is for informational purposes only. As with all things related to your health, be sure to consult your doctor or other medical professional, not the internet, for an official diagnosis.  Burnout is a big buzzword right now. The nature of indie...

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