Episode 40: Pascale Kavanagh and Finding Your Own Creative Rhythm

Writer Mom Life


Writer Mom Life Episode 40: Pascale Kavanagh and Finding Your Own Creative Rhythm

In this week’s episode, Daphne interviews writer mom Pascale Kavanagh, and boy, does Pascale have a varied and fascinating professional history! It was great talking to Pascale and learning about how her past and current professions have influenced her writing, how the two worlds currently blend together, and how she works her writing schedule with a teenage daughter doing ALL THE THINGS! Some of the things we discuss with Pascale in this episode are:

  • Why she publishes her books to Amazon a few days early
  • What happens if you miss your Amazon pre-order delivery date
  • Why she decided to release her books wide instead of in KU
  • How taking the time to discover your own unique creative rhythm can help you be a productive writer
  • The importance of self-care, especially for “binge writers” like herself
  • What her schedule looks like now that her daughter is a teenager (hint: she still has to make use of every spare minute!)
  • Her interesting “past lives” and how she came into writing, as well as how they influence her writing
  • Just because you worked in one field for ten or twenty years doesn’t mean you have to do it forever
  • Some discussion on how hard the writer’s life is… on the soul, the body, relationships… everything! And what you can do about it! 

Pascale’s Links

Pascale’s website
Pascale’s books
An article from Pascale on writing and mindfulness and meditation

Teen Or Toddler – It’s Still Hard

One thing we touched on in the interview is the simple fact that no matter what age your kids are, you will never magically have more time and energy like you did before kids.

Instead of waiting until they’re older, or until they sleep through the night, or until they can drive, get started on your dreams today! 

There is no perfect magic moment to start writing. Use nap time, or waiting in the car during soccer practice, or once they’re in bed for the night. You will figure out how to balance it, just for something to change and the juggling starts all over again. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go for it!

January is a chance to hit restart on things. It’s a time for new beginnings and second chances. So if you’ve been feeling like this year just isn’t the right one, please reconsider. You can do a lot more than you might realize!


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