Episode 29: Meaghan Halderman and Offset Schedules

Writer Mom Life


Writer Mom Life Episode 29: Meaghan Halderman

Meaghan Halderman is writing three different books, running a used bookstore online, and will be jumping back into full-time work soon!

Daphne gets all the details on her different projects, her decision to go back to work, and asks about every mom’s favorite topic: sleep.

Meaghan decided to focus her job search on social media manager positions, which is a great fit for her, since that’s exactly what she’s been doing the past few years with her Quill & Tome site. It’s a perfect reminder to other writer moms out there that just because you don’t have a degree in a field doesn’t mean you can’t be awesome at it. 

It’s wonderful how Meaghan’s family has adapted their schedule to fit their needs, and not feel pushed into some “supposed to” mold that would just make everyone miserable. If your spouse works late and doesn’t get to see the kids very much, consider a shift in bedtime. 

Meaghan’s Links:

Quill and Tome
Book Box (on sale just $20 until the summer box runs out!): https://www.etsy.com/listing/616476497/the-book-bag-by-quill-and-tome-summer

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