Episode 13: 2017 recap and big news for 2018

Writer Mom Life


Writer Mom Life Episode 13: 2017 recap and big news for 2018

Daphne goes solo this week to wrap up the year and shares all her random thoughts with you in a more or less organized way.

Along with a quick rundown on her personal goals, she goes over the goals she set out for the podcast in the very first episode and if they were met.

Get a peek into her own weekly schedule, her non-writing job, plans for 2018, and how important community has been on this crazy Writer Mom Life journey.

Episode Links

The big news for 2018 is the new logo (did you notice it at the top of the email?) and the WEBSITE! Yay! Go check it out now: writermomlife.com

The “You should’ve asked” comic.

J. R. got a much deserved break from the tips this week, but check out her resources for writers if you just can’t go a week without them!

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