Writer Moms are busy people, including the two who run the WML site/podcast/blog/Facebook group. Sometimes we don’t have the time to write a post every week.

If you’ve got a topic related to self-publishing and writing while momming, send your ideas over to contact(at)writermomlife.com and we’ll be happy to feature you!

We’re looking for pieces between 500 and 1000 words that get at the “real life” of writer moms – real numbers on how much you write/publish/earn, real tactics you’re using right now with social media/advertising that are working, real stories of how you find the time to write with little and not-so-little people demanding your attention, and real inspiration for other moms who need to hear that yes, it’s hard, but you can still do it.

Funny, serious, or somewhere in between, it’s whatever your Writer Mom Life looks like right now!

We can’t wait to see your ideas and share them with the WML community!

Graphic created in Canva using a photo by Christin Hume found on Unsplash


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