Episode 48: Kirsten Oliphant and Hitting Big Goals

Writer Mom Life


Writer Mom Life Episode 48: Kirsten Oliphant and Hitting Big Goals

In a recent poll of our Facebook group, you all said you wanted more from writer moms making the big bucks, and Kristen has been doing AWESOME the past 12 months! She is a great example of the work and strategy that goes into the “ten year overnight success” and explains how adaptability is essential to making it in the indie world. And as a mom of five, she’s gotten pretty good at leaning into the chaos!

In this week’s episode, Daphne and Kristen talk about:

  • Why and how Kristen started her podcast
  • How and why she decided to write clean romance
  • How and why she was able to pivot her focus and even her genre to better utilize her limited writing time and find her ideal creative outlet
  • What makes some genres “easier” to write than others
  • How she manages to get anything done with five kids (hint: strategic use of the YMCA to get writing time in!)
  • Her definition of “full time income” and her full time financial goal
  • How her previous knowledge of email marketing and social media has helped her find success with her novels
  • Details on how she built her mailing list for her fiction novels



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