Episode 32: Launching your book

Writer Mom Life


Writer Mom Life Episode 32: All about launching your book!

Finally, all your hard work writing and editing and getting covers and formatting has paid off, because now it’s LAUNCH DAY! In this episode, Daphne and I talk about some key things to remember (and plan for) when that big day finally comes!


  • The importance of knowing your why (as in all things!!) before you launch your book, so you can plan according to that why: ie, is it just to get your book out there? To launch higher than your friend? Or reach bestseller status?
  • Always remember, you DO have a “redo button” in this business!
  • Some of the tools available to indie authors right now, and how to beat overwhelm if confronted with too many options! (HINT: The Writer Mom Life Facebook group can help!)
  • How hitting the bestseller lists isn’t by accident. 
  • The critical time period for ensuring your book’s long-term success.
  • The two very most important things to do to reach success if everything else is just too much.
  • and more!

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